1 controlo da qualidade red menu 1 ing

2 planeamento delienacao red menu 1 ing

3 posicionamento imobilizacao red menu 1 ing

4 braquiterapia red menu 1 ing

5 medicina nuclear menu 1 ing

6 radiologia menu 1 ing


7 protecao radiologica menu 1 ing

8 ensino menu 1 ing

9 equipamento protecao individual menu 1 ing

Positioning for Head, Cervical and Shoulders, of high precision, noninvasive and with air equivalent attenuation.
Ensures a much higher level of accuracy when compared to the use of posterior/anterior masks, bite blocks or invasive systems, while maintaining patient comfort, unlike invasive systems. The Intuition Click base™ is the most innovative high-precision immobilization system for SRS and Head and Shoulders on the market.

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